Durham Mobile Home Park
Park Photo Gallery
Mobile Homes in Park
The mobile homes, which are Tenant owned, are differently styled and sized depending on the Tenants’ needs and desires. The spacious lots, which are rented, also show variety in flowerbed design and yard lay out. Some Tenants love to garden to their hearts' content, while others simply want to relax and enjoy the beautiful countryside.
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Park Yards and Views
We must thank a couple of our Tenants for a few of these photos. We have some awesome scenery at the Park. The gorgeous flowerbeds and beautiful yards are due to our Tenants’ hard work and talent. All of these photos are views at the Durham Mobile Home Park. We are proud of our pretty country community!
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Ace, Muggins and Sunny
Photos of Interest
These are random photos that may be of interest, photos of the Park, our horses which are pastured in the Park paddock, and photos of work or Park activities and a little play. We have also included a few photos of the Durham area as well.
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